Celestial Considerations: September 30th - October 5th


This weeks Celestial Considerations looks like it is the perfect opportunity to remind ourselves to open our minds, take deep breaths, and check in with our priorities. Let’s dive in!

A rather quiet week... You already know the planets are never quiet for long so enjoy the calm!  Early this week, remember to take the time to be gentle with yourself and others.

Tuesday Oct 2nd: Mercury Libra square Pluto Capricorn

There is plenty of friction with this aspect that may come to your attention. This could bring to light something new or different, maybe finding yourself delving deeply into research or a new direction. Use caution here to not get caught up too deeply, or be overly opinionated or judgmental. With Mercury in Libra, you could argue with yourself or you can try to balance and mediate within your head. Take the high road and maintain an open mind. There is always more of the story to unfold and we don’t always know what we are looking at first glance. This aspect has the potential for arguments and confrontations, so step aside if need be.

Friday Oct 5th: Venus turns retrograde

This leaves us with 3 planets retrograde: Venus Rx, Uranus Rx and Neptune Rx. This is where we need to take the do-overs to a higher level! Remain aware of any repeating patterns in your life and take them up a notch. Venus retrograde could involve your relationships and taking a look at what you think you value in your life.  A good time to sort and go through… and not just your closet.

In Spirit,
